Insurance Valuations

Property Valuations and Business Interruption Valuations

Professional property valuers for commercial and residential properties, online replacement residential valuation calculators, business interruption consultants and online calculators, and a recent article on underinsurance implications are provided to assist.

Table of Contents


Residential Insurance Valuations

Preston Rowe Paterson

Preston Rowe Paterson

Leary & Partners Pty Ltd (Quantity Surveyors)

David Leary
P: 1800 808 991
E: [email protected]

Specialise in valuations of residential houses and apartment buildings, office complexes, retirement villages, nursing homes, garages, childcare centres, industrial complexes, shopping centres and many other commercial and industrial building types.

Residential  Online Calculators

While it is difficult to measure the level of underinsurance in Australia, we know that this is a real and significant issue that can affect policyholders’ ability to get back on their feet after an unforeseen event.

We recommend that you review your sums insured to ensure adequacy of cover. To assist you with determining an appropriate level of cover, please follow the building and contents sum insured calculator links below.

Based on general information about your home, the calculators will provide an estimated value and summary that you can further edit for a more accurate result if you wish. It is further recommended that you check with a Valuer, or other suitably qualified professional for an accurate estimate.

  • Building Sum Insured Calculator
    DISCLAIMER: The Cordell Sum Sure calculator takes the answers you input (or confirm, as applicable) and analyses them against construction industry data collated by CoreLogic to generate an estimated rebuild cost of the improvements on your property. Use of the Cordell Sum Sure calculator and any estimated rebuild cost provided by it may not be appropriate for you and you will need to assess the suitability of this estimate given your knowledge of your property. A number of qualifications apply to the estimated rebuild cost, which are set out in the full set of terms and conditions accepted by you prior to your use of the Cordell Sum Sure Calculator.
  • Contents Sum Insured Calculator
    DISCLAIMER: This calculator estimates the replacement cost of your home contents using information supplied by Sum Insured Pty Ltd, Australia's leading provider of building contents cost information.Typical contents replacement costs are provided by Sum Insured Pty Ltd (A.B.N. 55 947 630 521) trading as Home Contents ("Sum Insured"). Whilst every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information as a guide for costing, no responsibility is accepted by Sum Insured for its accuracy.

Commercial Insurance Valuations

Andrew Nock Valuers

Andrew Nock
P: 02 9262 1533
M: 0439 998 190

Specialise in valuations of:

  • Buildings and site improvements
  • Plant and equipment
  • Mobile plant
  • Contents
  • Fine arts and antiques
Asset Inspect

Owen Arthur
P: 02 9719 8818
M: 0407 752 010
E: [email protected]

Why choose Asset Inspect

  • We can save you and your clients time and money, by conducting a single inspection and providing both a Building Insurance Valuation and a Property Risk Survey.
  • Valuation Reports are provided by a Registered Certified Practising Valuer and Member of API.
  • We will provide desktop updates for years 2 & 3 at no additional cost, ensuring your clients remain fully informed during these volatile times.
  • Dedicated administration team, supported by class leading technology to ensure easy communication and an efficient booking process.
  • Inspections, quality assurance and reports are all managed within secure cloud-based technology, facilitating accurate data and fast turnaround.
  • Risk consultants are registered drone pilots to include aerial images in reports, where flight and weather permit.


Herron Todd White

Ben Walpole (Quantity Surveying Director)
P: 02 9221 8911
E: [email protected]

Jones Lang LaSalle - Valuations & Advisory Services

David Field
P: 02 9220 8709
M: 0410 732 472
E: [email protected]

Tyrone Hodge
P: 02 9220 8488
M: 0417 055 501
E: [email protected]

The core function of the Valuations and Advisory team is to provide robust valuation advice. In addition to providing property valuations we also have our Plant and Equipment capability whose services include:

  • Insurance and loss adjustment valuations;
  • Infrastructure
  • Financial reporting valuations and componentisation (including buildings);
  • Market valuations for financial security;
  • Market valuations for acquisition and disposal;
  • Insolvency valuation;
  • Due diligence;
  • Litigation and expert witness;
  • Asset registers, inventory and bar coding.

Business Interruption Valuations

Two options are available to ensure you have insured your Business Interruption correctly.

  1. Obtain report from BI Claims consultant
    Contact us and provide an xls version of your full last year P&L Financials and management accounts to date for the current year. Please provide this in monthly format to assist the analysis. We can then have a suitably qualified BI Claims consultant review, and provide a suitable report.
  2. Complete Online BI Calculator
    Select the provided BI calculator to calculate your insured values for BI coverage.
    • MSM BI Calculator
      To assist the insurance and business communities, MSM has built the above Business Interruption calculator.
      MSM’s calculator is designed to address complex insured client’s needs where there are multiple insured entities listed as the insured; or where there are multiple departments or locations with separate financial reporting requirements. The calculator can be expanded to cater for multiple entities, subsidiaries, divisions etc. Features include:

      • The provision of values where elements of the insured entity have different indemnity periods.
      • Full transparency on all aspects of the calculation that produce the final declared value figure are available to review.

When Business Interruption is insured, the Insurable Gross Profit is the annual figure, and if Indemnity Period is more than 12 months, you will need to increase this figure on a pro-rata basis. The calculators take this into account.

Recent articles providing the implications of Under-Insurance

Click here to see the Article