If you have employees who are required to travel for work within Australia or abroad, you should ensure that you and they are not exposed to potentially large financial losses as a result of these travels. Expenses for medical treatment, emergency medical evacuation, flight cancellations,hire car ...read more →
Why use a Broker?
Why use an insurance broker? For the peace-of-mind. That’s why. There is nothing worse than paying a premium for insurance, then, when you lodge a claim following an insured event, find that you get the runaround from the insurance company and, eventually, a settlement that leaves you well out of ...read more →
Cyber-Crime: A growing Menace
The reality is that all companies, large or small are targets for cyber criminals. Unfortunately many businesses operate under the belief that their existing insurance policies are enough to cover their data security and privacy exposures. This is not the case. Australian insurance companies ...read more →